Underdog Overcomes Adversity: From Terminal Diagnosis to Thriving, A Story of Resilience and Hope in the Face of a Tumor.

It is unfortunate that many pet owners surrender their dogs to shelters for various reasons, including allergies, financial struggles, housing restrictions, and sometimes even lack of care. This is a common issue in shelters across the country. In one instance, an animal rescue near Dallas received a surprising surrender request for a pup named Hattie. Her previous owners brought her to a local shelter in 2018 when she had a large tumor growing on her left side. Please be advised that some people may find the accompanying photo distressing.

It seems that a sizable lump had been developing for two years without any intervention. Dallas DogRRR – Rescue.Rehab. Reform took Hattie under their wing to provide her with a chance for a better future. To address the issue, the rescue knew they needed to proceed with surgery and brought Hattie to Vet Ranch, an organization that provides veterinary care for abandoned animals.

Hattie’s legs and mobility were affected by the extra weight on one side of her body. The blood vessels and muscles on that side were a concern for Dr. Karri from Vet Ranch. However, Hattie remained a delightful dog despite her condition. Dr. Karri expressed her sadness about Hattie having to adapt to her condition prior to undergoing surgery. The veterinarians were thankfully able to successfully remove the gigantic tumor which weighed approximately 15 pounds, almost half Hattie’s body weight.

Hattie had to undergo some adjustments, but the resilient and cheerful pup managed to pull through! What’s more, a foster family eagerly awaited her arrival on the other end. In December 2018, Hattie was finally adopted into her forever home. If you’re up for it, Vet Ranch has documented her surgery and recuperation process in a video.

Hattie is now free from the tumor that had been weighing her down like a bean bag. Her movements have become more effortless and she’s still facing some health issues, but she’s living a contented life filled with love and all the necessary medical attention.

According to Hattie’s new owner’s Facebook post, the furry friend is living a comfortable life in a lovely home with a spacious yard and a big sister. Hattie has the freedom to roam around the house and even sleeps on a king-size bed every night. Although there have been some medical issues, her owner takes her to the veterinarian frequently to keep an eye on her health.

Hattie, who was once abandoned and deemed a lost cause by some, is now a cheerful and robust senior dog living a content life with her new family. While veterinary care played a role in her recovery, the credit primarily goes to the individuals who recognized her worth and provided her with the love and care she deserved.

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