My Journey of Bringing Home Special Needs Feline Companions

Georgia Price and Christopher Lardner went through the painful experience of losing their first adopted feline, a 16-year-old rescue cat named Herbie. Despite their brief time together, Herbie left a deep impact on them. This inspired the couple to open their hearts to another cat in need. Their story, initially posted on Instagram and featured by, showcases their journey.

Georgia and Christopher were inspired to help shelter animals in need, particularly those nearing the end of their lives. They set out on a mission to find a cat that was having trouble finding a permanent home. After searching online, they found two cats on the RSPCA website named Quinton and Toby. Both cats were elderly and in need of a loving home. Quinton was a toothless black and white cat, while Toby had loose skin due to his age. The two cats were advertised as a bonded pair. Georgia and her family decided to adopt both cats, believing it was a more meaningful gesture than adopting just one.

Georgina recently found out that her cat, Toby, has a rare condition called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) or feline cutaneous asthenia (FCA). This genetic disorder causes the skin to be very stretchy and fragile due to collagen deficiency. When Georgina visited the RSPCA with her partner, they noticed that both cats were quite shy, but Toby was particularly fearful.

Although Toby was initially nervous, Georgina and Christopher were confident in their ability to care for a special needs cat. They proceeded with the adoption and felt positive about their capacity to take care of both cats. Credits for the pictures are attributed to tummyandgummy.

It took Toby and Quipton some time to get used to their new abode. For a while, they were hiding under the bed, but eventually, they started to feel more comfortable and settled in. Nowadays, they confidently own their new space, displaying typical cat behavior.

The condition of Toby’s sensitive skin makes him vulnerable to injuries even during routine activities like playing or grooming, which is a major concern for his owners. They are worried about the additional strain caused by his loose skin leading to joint issues. Georgina also expresses her relief that her son’s condition of hypermobility can be managed effectively. To prevent injuries to Toby, who relies on their dog Qunton for assistance with grooming, they take necessary precautions especially around any wounds.

To ensure Toby’s safety, Georgia and Christopher take certain precautions such as preventing him from jumping from high places and maintaining his nails. They are thrilled to have Toby and Quinton as members of their family. Despite his condition, Toby enjoys typical cat activities like bird watching and playing, and he loves getting belly rubs.

Georgia shares Toby’s story to raise awareness about his rare condition and encourage more people to adopt special needs cats. She stresses that taking care of these animals is not overly demanding and that they are wonderful, affectionate pets with unique personalities.

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