A Senior Canine Discovered Stranded in a Gutter, Immobilized

Animal Aid Unlimited received a distress call about an old dog who had fallen into a drain. The poor pooch had apparently climbed into the sewer in an attempt to alleviate his pain but got stuck. Upon arriving at the scene, the rescuers discovered that the dog had a large wound that was infested with maggots.

The elderly pooch had lost most of his teeth, was experiencing arthritis, and had a nasty wound on his back. He was in immense pain and could barely move, so the rescuers carefully extracted him from the drain and took him to the veterinary clinic. The vets provided him with pain medication and an IV to address the maggot infestation.

It was a relief to see the dog eating and his injury fully healed within a few weeks.

Without any assistance, his remaining lifespan would have been very limited.

Introducing the newest furry addition to our family, Shabaash! Take a moment to say hello and get to know this adorable little pup.

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